Dr. Pepper Schwartz
Acclaimed author, researcher, and television personality, Pepper Schwartz has devoted her life to furthering the fields of intimacy and sexuality. After achieving a BA and MA at Washington University, St. Louis, Schwartz went on to receive her PhD in Sociology at Yale University in 1974.
Over the next 40 years, Pepper has become a prolific writer, authoring many academic and popular articles as well as 25 books on the subjects of love, sexuality, and commitment. Two of those books American Couples and The Normal Bar: The Surprising Secrets of Happy Couples have been on the New York Times Best Sellers list. Several others, including Prime, Ten Talks Parents Must Have with Children About Sex and Character, Peer Marriage, and The Great Sex Weekend were featured on Oprah. Her latest books are SNAP Strategies for Couples, Frommer's Places for Passion, and 50 Great Myths of Human Sexuality.

Dr. Marion Somers
Award-Winning Nationally Recognized Geriatric Care Manager During the past four decades, Marion Somers, Ph.D., (Doctor Marion) has provided care for more than 2,000 elderly clients while she owned and operated a thriving Geriatric Care Management practice. It is now Dr. Marion’s goal to help caregivers everywhere by providing valuable insights and information. Doctor Marion is regarded by the media as a leading expert on elder care issues, topics, and solutions. She has been featured on The Today Show, Eyewitness News, The Wall Street Journal, Newsday, and a host of national radio programs. She completed national 50-city bus tours across the nation to talk about planning for long-term care. The bus tour was part of a national campaign called “ 3 in 4 need more” which was based on a study that said that three out of four Americans need long-term health care but are not prepared for it.

Sophia Johnston
Sophia Johnston was born and raised in Maui, Hawaii. As a child you could not keep her out of the when she had free time. Her greatest passion is surfing and started competing at an early age nationwide, until she took the full scope of her future and began to built a lifestyle brand built. While surfing is the bedrock of her brand, running, swimming, and healthy life choices have rounded out the edges. Today Sophia is more mentally and physically fit than I have ever! She is 23 and just getting started.

Metta Sandiford Artest
Metta World Peace AKA: Metta Sandiford-Artest, AKA: Ron Artest, is an internationally known NBA legend and basketball world champion. Metta made a name for himself as one of the best wing defenders in league history. His reputation and infamy were further amplified by his colorful, larger than life personality and antics.